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Oregon Si

Tephra Volcanic Ash

It’s the future of agriculture and a way to help save the planet.
Just visit out NEWS page to see the amount of studies and investments being made in
the application of Volcanic Products, not only on farmland but in the ocean as well..

Captures Carbon

Carbon Sequestration: Volcanic ash, being composed of volcanic rock fragments, is itself a form of carbon sink. When applied to farmland, the ash can act as an additional carbon sink, helping to capture and store atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the soil. Volcanic ash plays a role in carbon sequestration. By utilizing this ash in row crop cultivation and vineyards, farmers can benefit from its natural properties, resulting in improved soil fertility, enhanced crop yields, and environmental sustainability through carbon sequestration.

Net Zero Farming

By utilizing this ash in row crop cultivation and vineyards, farmers can benefit from its natural properties, resulting in improved soil fertility, enhanced crop yields, and environmental sustainability through carbon sequestration.

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The Oregon SI Method is the development of sustainable farming methods that is essential in combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This proposed method to aims transform row crops into carbon sinks by incorporating Oregon SI into the soil.